As an investment adviser, Perkins Capital Management, Inc., provides investment management services for:

  • Individuals
  • Trusts
  • Employee Benefit Plans
  • Tax-exempt Organizations
  • Corporations

  Perkins Capital Management, Inc. is registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940. The sole activity at PCM is investment management. The firm's clients, while primarily in the Upper Midwest, are geographically dispersed across the United States and in Europe. All of the accounts managed by Perkins are fully discretionary and assets are held by a qualified custodian.

  The primary goal at Perkins Capital Management, Inc. is to achieve superior investment returns. The firm's approach to equity investments is primarily to find public companies which PCM believes to be undergoing change which may result in higher earnings and, when this positive change is recognized by others, a higher price/earnings ratio through increased share price. Companies undergoing change may have new products, processes, strategies, management, or a combination of these. Typically, this search will result in the ownership of a mix of companies with large, medium and small market capitalizations. In its investment selection process, Perkins Capital Management utilizes computer programs to derive fundamental selection criteria, technical analysis as an aid in identifying industries which appear to offer the best investment opportunities at a particular time, and chart analysis as an aid in selecting the best entry or exit point for a particular security.

  Portfolios containing fixed income securities are also managed for clients who require higher current income or who desire less volatility than is normally associated with total equity accounts. The approach to fixed income securities is to seek maximum income consistent with high quality; safety of principal is paramount in fixed income investments.